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2023-02-19 16:13:44 大字体 小字体 扫码带走


When the rain comes, the plants grow, and the geese return.


Every year on February 18-20 of the Gregorian calendar, when the sun's yellow longitude reaches 330 degrees, we will usher in the second solar term of spring -rain water .


The so-called "rain water comes, everything grows". In fact, rain is the beginning of spring. As the saying goes, "rain is auspicious". People think that rain is a blessing from heaven, and there is a saying that spring rain is as expensive as oil.


Rain water does not necessarily rain, but the temperature begins to rise. In the north, it means that winter has passed, and the season of increased rainfall and rain is about to begin. The precipitation in Rongcheng is affected by the monsoon, with uneven spatial distribution and obvious seasonal difference. The area with the largest annual average precipitation is Weide Mountain and Cha Mountain.


As time goes by, winter goes and spring comes.The swans wintering in Rongcheng have set out to move north.The real dance drama "Swan Lake" is on stage


In Rongcheng,swans moving north is an elegant farewell in winter,the flight of seagulls is the dance of vitality in spring.At this time, black-tailed gulls, the "master" of Hailu Island in Rongcheng City, also returned in large numbers. They built nests, hatched eggs and nurtured their offspring here, with a total number of more than 40000. Rongcheng also has the reputation of being the home of black-tailed gulls.


Life moves in spring.Blue sky, blue sea and lively and lovely elves constitute a beautiful natural ecological picture.

